
How To Carve On Skis Moving from skidded to carving turns for intermediate skiers

How To Carve On Skis  Moving from skidded to carving turns for intermediate skiers


Hey there, fellow ski enthusiasts! Today, I’m thrilled to share some insights and tips on how to level up your skiing game, particularly focusing on transitioning from a steered parallel turn to a beautifully carved turn. My name is James Hacht, and I’ve had the privilege of honing my skills on the slopes of the Dubai Glacier in Austria. Skiing is not just a sport for me; it’s a passion that brings me exhilaration and a sense of freedom. So, let’s dive into the details of mastering the art of clean carving turns and enhancing your skiing experience.

Moving in the Same Direction as Your Skis

To achieve a clean carving turn, it’s essential to move in the same direction as your skis are pointing while maintaining balance on your outside ski. This movement is crucial in transitioning from a steered parallel turn to a more precise and controlled carve. Practice moving your skis back and forth to get a feel for the motion, then gradually progress to traversing across the hill while aligning your movement with the direction of your skis. This exercise helps you understand the dynamics of skiing and prepares you for more advanced techniques.

The Disco Leg Exercise

One effective exercise to enhance your skiing skills is the Disco Leg drill. This exercise involves rolling one ski onto its edge while keeping the other flat, mimicking the movements required for smooth turns. By mastering this technique, you’ll improve your ability to transition seamlessly from one turn to another and increase your edge angles for sharper carving. Practicing the Disco Leg exercise will help you develop a solid foundation for advanced skiing maneuvers and boost your confidence on the slopes.

Rolling Your Knees and Ankles

Another essential skill in transitioning to clean carving turns is the proper use of your knees and ankles to control your ski movements. By rolling your knees and ankles in coordination with your turns, you can initiate and maintain precise carving actions while optimizing your balance on the outside ski. This technique is vital for executing smooth transitions between turns and enhancing your overall skiing performance. Practice rolling your knees and ankles on gentle slopes, gradually increasing your speed and incline as you build confidence in your abilities.

Taking It to the Slopes

Once you’ve mastered the foundational skills of moving in the same direction as your skis, practicing the Disco Leg exercise, and rolling your knees and ankles, it’s time to take your newfound skills to the slopes. Start on gentle terrain to refine your technique and gradually progress to steeper slopes as you become more comfortable with clean carving turns. Remember to focus on maintaining balance, edge control, and smooth transitions between turns to elevate your skiing proficiency and challenge yourself to reach advanced and expert levels.


I hope these insights and exercises have inspired you to enhance your skiing abilities and embark on a journey towards mastering clean carving turns. By honing your skills in moving with your skis, practicing the Disco Leg drill, and refining your knee and ankle movements, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle challenging slopes with confidence and finesse. Remember, skiing is not just about speed; it’s about precision, control, and the sheer joy of gliding down the mountain. So, gear up, hit the slopes, and let your passion for skiing soar to new heights!

**Related Questions:**

1. How can practicing the Disco Leg exercise benefit your skiing performance?
– The Disco Leg exercise helps improve your ability to transition smoothly between turns, increase your edge angles for sharper carving, and build a solid foundation for advanced skiing maneuvers.

2. Why is it important to roll your knees and ankles while skiing?
– Rolling your knees and ankles helps control your ski movements, initiate precise carving actions, and optimize your balance on the outside ski, essential for executing smooth transitions between turns.

3. What is the significance of moving in the same direction as your skis while skiing?
– Moving in the same direction as your skis helps in transitioning from a steered parallel turn to a clean carving turn, improving your balance on the outside ski and enhancing your overall skiing technique.

4. How can beginners benefit from starting on gentle slopes when practicing skiing techniques?
– Starting on gentle slopes allows beginners to refine their technique, build confidence, and gradually progress to more challenging terrain as they develop their skills and comfort level on the slopes.

5. Why is mastering clean carving turns essential for advancing to higher ski IQ levels?
– Mastering clean carving turns is crucial for advancing to higher ski IQ levels as it demonstrates precision, control, and proficiency in executing advanced skiing maneuvers, opening the door to the advanced and expert skiing territories.