
How To Ski Bumps Drops and Natural Halfpipes

How To Ski Bumps Drops and Natural Halfpipes


Hey there, fellow travel enthusiasts! Today, I want to share with you some exciting insights on how to enhance your skiing skills by playing with the natural terrain features. Join me as I take you on a journey through Cornet Peak in New Zealand with professional skier Richard from Switzerland. Let’s dive into the world of skiing and explore the thrill of mastering different terrains and features to elevate your skiing experience.

Playing with Terrain

Richard emphasizes the importance of having fun and finding the flow when skiing on steep terrain. By experimenting with various turns and techniques, such as carving and drifting, you can enhance your skills and enjoy the sensation of gliding through the snow.

Flat Terrains

On flat terrains, creativity is key as the consequences are lower. Richard suggests trying new tricks like 180s or bob turns to push your limits and improve your skills without the fear of high impact if you make a mistake.


Rollers offer a transition from flat to steep terrain, allowing you to incorporate jumps and tricks into your skiing. By absorbing or jumping the rollers during your turns, you can add a playful element to your run and explore your creativity on the slopes.

Natural Halfpipes

Natural halfpipes provide a unique sensation as you navigate from side to side, attempting tricks and slashes on the walls. The experience of skiing in a natural halfpipe differs from groomed slopes, offering a thrilling challenge that requires skill and precision to master.


Riding natural waves on the slopes requires quick movements and adaptability to carve, absorb, or jump between waves. The fast-paced nature of skiing on waves brings an adrenaline rush and a sense of accomplishment when executing tricks with precision.


Navigating through bumps or natural moguls requires fluidity and adaptability to maintain the flow of your skiing. By finding the right lines and staying connected to the terrain, you can glide through the bumps like a river, merging with the landscape for a fun and engaging experience.

Drops and Natural Jumps

Exploring natural jumps and cliffs adds an element of excitement to your skiing experience. By assessing the landing and adjusting your technique, you can safely perform tricks and maneuvers, feeling the adrenaline rush of flying through the air while staying connected to the ground.

As Richard shares his passion for skiing and the joy of playing with terrain features, he reminds us that skiing is not just a sport but a way to connect with our inner child and experience the thrill of exploration and creativity on the slopes.

1. What are some key techniques for skiing on steep terrain?
– When skiing on steep terrain, Richard suggests playing with forces, incorporating carving and drifting turns, and focusing on finding the flow to enhance your skills and enjoyment on the slopes.

2. How can skiers utilize flat terrains to improve their skills?
– Flat terrains offer a lower consequence for mistakes, allowing skiers to be creative and try new tricks like 180s or bob turns to push their limits and enhance their skiing abilities.

3. What challenges and sensations do natural halfpipes provide for skiers?
– Natural halfpipes offer a unique sensation as skiers navigate from side to side, attempting tricks and slashes on the walls. The experience differs from groomed slopes, providing a thrilling challenge that requires skill and precision to master.

4. How can skiers navigate through bumps or moguls effectively?
– Skiers can glide through bumps by adapting their technique to flow like a river through the terrain, finding the right lines, and staying connected to the ground to maintain a sense of fun and engagement on the slopes.

5. What factors should skiers consider when exploring drops and natural jumps?
– Skiers should assess the landing, adjust their technique, and prioritize safety when exploring natural jumps and cliffs to perform tricks and maneuvers. This experience brings an adrenaline rush while allowing skiers to connect with the ground and enjoy the thrill of flying through the air.